Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A skill set called leadership

Are you a leader? or a follower? Being a leader is something I believe that an individual is born with. The person is born with leadership characteristics such as being able to delegate, take control, be task driven and in all aspects get the job done. These characters are enhanced through knowledge and experience.

Leadership is an important aspect as they create change and find different solutions to problems. It is simply a skill that you have or do not have, remember not everyone in this world can be leaders, who would the leaders manage then?

I believe that being able to effectively manage people, makes a good leader. At the end of the day it all comes down to being able to relate to other individuals and creating change.


  1. Leaders need to lead by example. True leaders will encourage and support their team. Recognition is very important to motivate the followers.

  2. You either have it or you don't- It's thats simple!
