Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Some interesting facts about our liver

Your liver loves you, here are 9 different ways:

Your liver stores iron reserves you need, as well as a lot of vitamins and other minerals. Without it, YOU WOULD NOT HAVE THE STRENGHT TO CARRY ON...

Your liver makes bile to help you digest food. Without it, YOU WOULD WASTE AWAY TO NOTHING...

Your liver detoxifies poisonous chemicals such as alcohol, drugs and even prescribed medication. Without it, YOUR BAD HABITS WOULD KILL YOU...

Your liver stores energy like a battery by stockpiling sugur, cabohydrates, glucose and fat. Without it, YOUR SUGUR LEVEL COULD DRAMATICALLY FALL AND YOU COULD GO INTO A COMA...

Your liver makes the blood that got your system going even before you were born. Without it, YOU WOULD NOT BE HERE...

Your liver manufactures proteins that your body needs to stay healthy. Without it, YOUR WOULD NOT GROW PROPERLY...

Your liver removes toxins that are inhaled such as chemicals. Without it, YOU WOULD BE POISONED BY POLLUTANTS...

Your liver makes clotting factors so that you stop bleeding when you accidently pricked yourself. Without it, YOU WOULD BLEED TO DEATH...

Your liver kills and weakens germs that enters your body such as the flu bug. If it was not for your liver you would be a sitting duck for every infection known to man.

Now that you are aware of the huge task that your liver performs....
Show it your appreciation and live a good life


It is a poor idea to lie to yourself

Indeed it is and what would you be achieving if you lied to yourself, only feeling good for a short while. This is a problem in so many people's lives because they do not face reality and what is really happening. Sometimes it is to painful to face the truth or you might feel like it could destroy you or the lives of others.

Lying sometimes seems like the best option in order to paint a picture of what you want others to see and think. But at the end of the day you end up more unhappy and insecure within yourself.

A start of a lie means that you would have to continue and this leads to a vicious cycle of lies. Even if it takes a decade - somehow a lie finds its way to the surface and the truth is revealed.

Do not lie to yourself as your whole life could become "one big lie". Face the music of your life including its daily issues and problems.

Step into the Truth as it is a poor idea to lie to yourself.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The media portrays images of the perfect women

I am sure many of you have seen all the magazine covers with titles reading lose the flab and look fab, get thin in 14 days, soup diets and diet pills that magically work overnight. The list seems to be endless and this is what today's women believe, that they need to look a certain way in order to be accepted by society.

So many problems have derived from this issue such as insecurities and eating disorders due to the fact that we want to be the perfect women with the perfect body. I hate to break the news to all of you ladies out there but their is simply no such thing as perfect - no perfect man, no perfect body, hair, relationship, the list is endless. As women in society we need to start loving ourselves for who we are with our without the fat, you are unique and there really is no one else on this planet like you.

Please stop trying to be Jessica Alba or Madonna, I can guarantee you that they've got their issues as well and only trying to portray the perfect women to the media. Ladies love what your mama gave you and embrace it, no one else is going to love your love handles or skinny legs except you.

At the end of the day it comes down to self belief and being confident in who you are and you own abilities, society especially women are captured by the media and are receiving information that is not true.

As women we need to stand proud and be proud of who we are and where we come from, you are a beautiful being and no one can ever take that away from you. I am sure many of us have seen this before - an attractive guy dates a not so attractive girl and we ask ourselves, how did that happen?. At the end of the day a guy loves a confident women who is not insecure about her body and what uniquely makes her who she is, it is simply to much effort dating someone like that.

We are special and made in the eyes of God...Don't you think it is time that we started acting like it?
Be your own perfect women...

The sound of one hand clapping

Weird, I thought to myself as often we use both our hands to express feelings of excitement and happiness but how would our reaction be with one hand clapping. One hand clapping is silent and may not make such a loud noise as two hands but to me it paints the picture of self believe whether it is you or someone else.

One hand clapping is you patting yourself on the back for achieving something that someone else might not see as a huge accomplishment. Many times in life we feel like we always needs someone to cheer or clap their hands to feel like we have done good, but in actual fact clapping for yourself is the greatest thing that you can do. The sound of one hand clapping is not distinct and sounds like no one is there but has a secret message saying, you are not forgotten.

One hand clapping can also be applied to our relationships with others, sometimes all it takes for a relationship to change is for one party to change, you might be alone like one hand clapping but sooner or later the other party will feel a need to change, but we are so afraid of deviating from two hands clapping that we seem to be stuck in our situations on a daily bases. We think to much and to critically about things instead of just doing it and following our intuition.

Not everything in life needs thinking...follow your heart and do not be afraid to stand out from a crowd

The sound of one hand clapping is one of the greatest thing that you can do for yourself, self belief

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

We cannot turn back time

This is something many of us know, but have we actually thought about the phrase "we cannot turn back time" We can never take back what we said, undo what we did or enjoy the same moment for a second time.

This is why we need to appreciate life and what we have, live it to the fullest and do not take things for granted. Time is simply priceless and precious and if used productively we will be sure to be successful and enjoy all of lifes pleasures.

Never neglect to say what is on your heart as tomorrow may never come and you may never get the chance to say I love you again so go it now.

We may not be able to take back what we said or done but we can move forward and learn from our mistakes, we can make better life decisions and appreciate people and things for who and what they are.

Many of us are complaining about the work load in BTech and wishing for it to be over but do remember when it is over, its over enjoy this year, feel the pressures of being a 4th year student and party hard. Most of us will not have the luxury of coming home at 1pm in the afternoon and taking a nap next year.

Life does not become easier, all we can do is deal with things in a more positive light and remember to smile.

We cannot turn back time so make the most of it...

Not all who wander are lost

Life is a journey not a would we get there if we never wandered?
We are simply on a journey of discovery, sometimes a bit of wandering is good as it makes you think more and ask questions and be curious. Wandering does not mean that you are lost, you are simply discovering who you are and where you would like to be.

Knowledge is power and the more you know through research and wandering, the more you are learning. We are so quick to judge people when we see them wandering around, they are not necessarily lost..they are just deep in thought about where their journey is taking them.

Sometimes in life we are so focused on getting to the destination that we forget about things that might have made that journey easier and more pleasant. Wandering helps many individuals to realise what their life plans are and if they are happy. Wandering is vital for the growth of the spirit...

Sometimes we wander about issues because we need to make an important decision and are thinking about the pro's and the con's.

Every individual has their own plan, idea and path that they take in order to get to their goals. If it's not a set plan, does not mean that the individual has not made a good life choice.

If you question a belief, value or religion does not mean that you are deviant and lost to the world, sometimes asking questions is the best way to find answers to untainted answers.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Flash Forward

I'm sure by now all of us have seen the series "Flash Forward" where the entire world goes into a deep sleep for a few seconds at the same time and sees their future 6 months in advance. At first I was fascinated by it and after much thought I realised that it's way to much Science Fiction and actully freaky.

Can you imagine seeing your life 6 months from now? Yes it could be really inlightening or just plain scary. I think our country would be in total chaos bacause people would act in a certain way to a situation before it even took place. We are just not meant to know what the future holds, we would simply live our lives in fear and anticipation...always waiting.

As humans we are intended to live everyday as it comes and appreciate every moment with our loved ones, as life is so short. Live in the moment and don't take life so serious, relax, put your feet up and enjoy.

You do not want to know your future, well not that far in advance....

How do you step from the top of a 100-foot pole

Wow, many of us would say how am I possibly going to step from a 100-foot pole...Immediately fear gets the best of us and all we want to do is run into a corner and hide. This is what happens so many times in our lives when hurdles or obstacles come along, we seem to look at them and already be defeated without even trying.

So many times all it takes is having a bit of faith and a positive attitude, you are able to do anything that you put your mind to no matter how great. If you believe it, you can do it.

How do you step from the top of a 100-foot pole? or conquer your fear?
Simply one step at a time and always remember to breath and pat yourself on the back after stepping down once. Our problem as individuals is that we always look at how big and difficult something is, but if we did it in various sections...Would'nt life be so much easier?

Taking 100 steps one at a time is going take a really long time but you would have learned something instead of rushing through the steps to get to the finish. This can apply to our tech lives as well, sometimes just rushing through work because it is so much and all we want to do is relax, but have we asked ourselves What is the point? cause we are not learning anything.

Take every step as a learning curve and become more knowlegable....
You can step from a 100-foot pole... All you have to do is believe