Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Draconian Censorship

"A continous stuggle for freedom of expression" First and foremost I believe that the Media Appeals as well as the Protection of Information Bill should be rejected. It feels as if our country would be taking 5 steps back if these laws are passed. Freedom of expressin would not exist and every indivdual would be living in a world where the truth is hidden and we are living in total ignorance. Do we want our children to grow up not knowing how to use their voices and being able to freely express themselves without judgement or punishment.

Government needs to understand that they simply cannot control everything. Television programmes such as 3rd Degree which is investigative journalism would be banned. How can we be a democratic country if the government wants the media to be silenced and report only on things that they feel are suitable to reveal.

"As individuals we have a right to freedom of expression"


  1. This is true! It definately needs to be banned. We are living in a democratic country. It will be very very sad if this is taken away.

  2. Government is just doing this to protect themselves
