Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tips for Saving your pennies

I think we can all agree, that saving is something, not many of us do very well. We are all about the here and now. Lets face it money has always been an issue for students...

Here are some great tips:

1. Nights out can be very expensive so why not have a night in or at a friends house which is much cheaper. Why not take turns to provide food and entertainment this way you'll be saving so much more.

2. Don't feel like you need to buy the latest clothing, CD's or video games - NO ONE will be impressed and besides there are better things to spend your money on.

3. For those of you living alone, learn to cook. Takeaways are so expensive and it is much cheaper to buy ingredients and cook for yourself.

4. Do not forget to make the most of student discounts and offers.

5. If you are driving to university, start a lift club, this way you are driving the exact same route but receving an income from 2 or 3 people.

6. If you really need to hit the clubs and get your body moving, try to do so twice a month and not every single week.

7. You know all those R5, R2 and R1 coins we take for granted, make a point of collecting them and placing them in a jar - You'll be surprised to see how much money you can save.

8. Draw up a budget and allocate money for certain things like R200 for entertainment, R 200 for petrol ect. This way you are able to identify where your money is going.

So thats your tips for saving, it is best to start while you are young before you end up wasting lots and lots of pennies...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What motivates me?


What would life be like if we were unable to learn and explore, being curious teaches us new things everyday.


What motivates me is being able to see the beauty not only in this world but in the people I meet.

The Sunrise

Watching a new day begin - motivates me to be positive as yesterday has gone and today I am able to do things differently.

Love and Happiness

Knowing that you are surrounded by people who love you and bring so much happiness to your life is simply priceless.


Makes life a little easier and is your soft place to fall upon when things are tough.


Hugs brings a warm embrace and is vital for a human, it makes one feel cared for and loved.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Where has the time gone...

Where has the time gone when we actually enjoyed being at University, sat on the grass and socilized because our classes where 2 hours apart and had minimul work, our lives have simply become to busy. We are always running around, finishing assignments, having to see lectures and having to post that blog before the deadline. The only thing that we do say is "I am so tired, and I want my Wednesday back so I can sleep late"

Most of us simply live rushed lives even when we are at home, where its family functions, friends, weekend jobs and of cause trying to fit in some ME time which evidently seems impossible.

We are actually in the 8th month of the year - Like really where did the time go, we almost at Graduation, receiving Degree's and facing the World of Work. I am amazed at how time has passed so quickly and what most of us are doing is complaining, well I have decided to start enjoying evey moment because you can never bring it back - 2 months of tech, enjoy it guys and realise that everything comes to an end.

We need to embrace life and enjoy the time that seems to be rushing past...

10 Most unexpected consequences of being online

1. When there is a blackout or email crash,the whole world ends as the internet cannot be accessed.

2. Social networking sites such as facebook, twitter and myspace are distracting especially when you have work to do.

3. Downloading an important document, getting to 95% and having your computer freeze - well that means starting all over again.

4. You are the 1000th visitor to the site notification and not being able to get rid of it - how irritating.

5. Everybody knows everybody, you might come across a "freak" and this could be dangerous.

6. Emailing the wrong person - " I hate my boss, he is such a loser" oops

7. Clicking on a link that directs you to a totally different web page.

8. SPAM - Welcome viruses

9. No number policy - Looking for contact details of a company and only being able to find those stupid email contacts.

10. People tend to have no patience as the web is so fast, people simply become annoying because they talk so slow.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What your lips say about you

Ladies I am sure that we have all read those tips on how to dress to impress for a date - don't wear red lipstick it will make you seem desperate or goth eyes make you seem to intense. But now it is official as a study reveals that a womens makeup actually holds truth. Many women revealed that their lipstick colour gave vital indications as to how they were feeling. The survey also indicated that red lips gave an indication of self confidence or an intention to seem more self assurd; nude or bare lips may give an indication that a women is feeling less attrative.

My personal view on this issue, I disagree as I love nude colours as well as light pinks and glossy colours and this definetely does not mean that I am feeling less attrative, maybe your lips could give an indication of your character traits but I do not think it gives an indication of how you are feeling. At the end of the day the lipstick as well as the makeup that you wear is a personal choice and 90% of the time is applied because women like makeup and looking good.

Elephant in the room

We could also say elephant in the sitting room or in the living room or even on the coffee table. "Elephant in the room" is an english idiom for an obvious truth that is being ignored or goes unaddressed. The idiomatic expression also applies to an obvious problem or risk no one want to discuss. The idiom is based on the idea that an elephant in a room would be impossible to overlook, thus people within a room who pretend as if the elephant is not there have made a decision/choice. These people choose to concern themselves with small and irrelavant issues instead of dealing with the big looming issue.

I am sure that many of us have experienced an elephant in the room more than one time and choose to ignore certain things because it is upsetting or difficult to speak about. For example a year ago myself and my boyfriends family witnessed a suicide in Port Elizabeth and even though it is a year later this month all of us choose not to speak about it, we sort of speak around the issue like mentioning that we visited Addo Park and Jeffreys Bay but the topic of the suicide remains silent as we feel that many might be offended or taken back to that very moment causing an unpleasant situation. An elephant in the room could also refer to a women being pregnant before she is married or arranged marriages. Many times people are not really happy to speak about there teenage daughters being pregnant or getting married at a very young age.

An elephant in the room is generally ignored by people because it is embarrassing or a taboo. So whatever your elephant is be sure to deal with it head on.