Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We all make Mistakes

I am sure that all of us can agree on this - that indeed we all make mistakes, sometimes it is a lesson well learned and sometimes we face regret. But the reality is that it is okay to make mistakes, the world is not going to end and everything happens for a reason.

Sometimes we say hurtful things and wish we could take it back, we break someone's heart or we simply let the family crystal slip and shatter to pieces, these are all mistakes and are irreversible. All we can do is look to the future and learn a valid lesson.

As a young women, I sometimes find it so frustrating and irritating that my parents scream and yell when I have mistake...I mean HELLO - Don't act like you never made a mistake in your life before? I always ask myself why they do that..

My point is that no one is perfect and we live in and unperfect world where everyone does not think or behaviour in the same way. We are unique and have our own way of doing things.

Yes...we make mistakes - but should we be reminded about them forever?

Feelings Follow Behaviour

The saying goes, we are what we do and it is so true. Many times our actions are an indication of what we are feeling. Writing this blog right now, I am experiencing feelings of anger and sadness and it's making me want to scream, cry and just be in another space.

Our behaviour depicts events or situations that we are currently dealing with. Like many teenages have problems and drink and party to forget - people might see them as the life of the party but most of the time, they are dealing with serious issues and hiding behind all the partying.

Our feelings depicts our behaviour and our behaviour shows the world what kind of individual we are. Sometimes we need to replay, sit down and take a deep breath and think about what we are feeling and why at a certain point in time.

Do not act based on your emotions...it could lead to many regrets.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It is better to practice a little that talk a lot

I am sure that all of us have experienced this at some stage in our lives, the joys of people who talk to much and practice what they preach to seldom. So you met this awesome speaker who gives you insight into a number of events and advice on day to day issues, but does he/she really know what they are talking about and are they living their lives according to the messages that they portray?

Most of the time the answer is no as to many people only say things to gain recognition and to feel a sense of importance. They may not even have experienced a particular situation but speak from the experience of others.

I think that many of us need to practice what we preach and we need to chit chat less, to much talking has turned our society into one that only says things to gain power - look at our very friend Julius Malema, all he has done is cause chaos hence talking about things that he has limited knowledge about.

Lets see you walk the walk and talk the talk - knowing exactly what you are saying

The significance of dreams

Have you ever woken up feeling extremely happy or sad due to a particular dream. Well just this morning I awake from a really frightening dream and believe it or not guys it had me in total tears and all of a sudden I felt this wave of confussion, not knowing if it true or not and not knowing what to say or do. So I sat down, calmed myself and realised that it was all a big dream and I sighed with relief.

So do our dreams have a significant meaning? or can it be due to an overworked brain? Well wheather we are conscious or not all of us dream and most of the time we do not remember them. Yet dreams often contain important information, casting light on events that has happend in our lives or what is happening and providing insight into the future.

Sounds really scary to me as I don't want to know my future because it may create a different perception of life.

So do we just forget about our dreams even though the memory is so distinct or do we search for a hidden meaning?

How do you perceive your dreams?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wedding cake in the middle of the road

Strange topic, I thought to myself when I saw "wedding cake in the middle of the road". As I thought about it I realised that all of us receive a wedding cake in the middle of the road at some time..

It simply refers to the fact that we reach road blocks, hurdles or problems along life's journey that causes us to stop, stare and wonder how we are going to get over this huge and uncommon issue. Well the answer is simple we can allow the wedding cake to stop our journey or we can see it as a challenge and taste the sweetness of it afterwards.

Currently in our studies we are facing lots of wedding cakes in the road and its making us feel demotivated and tired but remember all the effort is for your future and the least you can do is try and find a way to get over that hurdle.

When we graduate next year, that's the best part of the cake and the melting taste of the iceing - we have reached the end and achieved success at the end of the journey.

Remember that cakes in the middle of the road normally at the wrong times in life are there to make you stronger and to build character. So the next time you reach a wedding cake in the road remember to smile and hold you head high...

You are almost there,