Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wedding cake in the middle of the road

Strange topic, I thought to myself when I saw "wedding cake in the middle of the road". As I thought about it I realised that all of us receive a wedding cake in the middle of the road at some time..

It simply refers to the fact that we reach road blocks, hurdles or problems along life's journey that causes us to stop, stare and wonder how we are going to get over this huge and uncommon issue. Well the answer is simple we can allow the wedding cake to stop our journey or we can see it as a challenge and taste the sweetness of it afterwards.

Currently in our studies we are facing lots of wedding cakes in the road and its making us feel demotivated and tired but remember all the effort is for your future and the least you can do is try and find a way to get over that hurdle.

When we graduate next year, that's the best part of the cake and the melting taste of the iceing - we have reached the end and achieved success at the end of the journey.

Remember that cakes in the middle of the road normally at the wrong times in life are there to make you stronger and to build character. So the next time you reach a wedding cake in the road remember to smile and hold you head high...

You are almost there,


  1. You are so right! There are many wedding cakes in the middle of the road but if it doesn't break us, it only makes us stronger. Cheers to all our wedding cakes in the middle of the road for this semester!

  2. That is correct, you are right. I am learning to remain calm and deal with things.
