Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Some interesting facts about our liver

Your liver loves you, here are 9 different ways:

Your liver stores iron reserves you need, as well as a lot of vitamins and other minerals. Without it, YOU WOULD NOT HAVE THE STRENGHT TO CARRY ON...

Your liver makes bile to help you digest food. Without it, YOU WOULD WASTE AWAY TO NOTHING...

Your liver detoxifies poisonous chemicals such as alcohol, drugs and even prescribed medication. Without it, YOUR BAD HABITS WOULD KILL YOU...

Your liver stores energy like a battery by stockpiling sugur, cabohydrates, glucose and fat. Without it, YOUR SUGUR LEVEL COULD DRAMATICALLY FALL AND YOU COULD GO INTO A COMA...

Your liver makes the blood that got your system going even before you were born. Without it, YOU WOULD NOT BE HERE...

Your liver manufactures proteins that your body needs to stay healthy. Without it, YOUR WOULD NOT GROW PROPERLY...

Your liver removes toxins that are inhaled such as chemicals. Without it, YOU WOULD BE POISONED BY POLLUTANTS...

Your liver makes clotting factors so that you stop bleeding when you accidently pricked yourself. Without it, YOU WOULD BLEED TO DEATH...

Your liver kills and weakens germs that enters your body such as the flu bug. If it was not for your liver you would be a sitting duck for every infection known to man.

Now that you are aware of the huge task that your liver performs....
Show it your appreciation and live a good life



  1. That was amazing! WOW! A very interesting topic. I have sure learnt, most importantly to look at it in a different light and appreciate it.

  2. Thanks for the biology lesson Miss Petersen! I gave up drinking.
    Can we please dissect the liver next week? HAHA!

  3. Shoo! I never knew the liver has so many functions. Very interesting!
