Thursday, April 22, 2010

The media portrays images of the perfect women

I am sure many of you have seen all the magazine covers with titles reading lose the flab and look fab, get thin in 14 days, soup diets and diet pills that magically work overnight. The list seems to be endless and this is what today's women believe, that they need to look a certain way in order to be accepted by society.

So many problems have derived from this issue such as insecurities and eating disorders due to the fact that we want to be the perfect women with the perfect body. I hate to break the news to all of you ladies out there but their is simply no such thing as perfect - no perfect man, no perfect body, hair, relationship, the list is endless. As women in society we need to start loving ourselves for who we are with our without the fat, you are unique and there really is no one else on this planet like you.

Please stop trying to be Jessica Alba or Madonna, I can guarantee you that they've got their issues as well and only trying to portray the perfect women to the media. Ladies love what your mama gave you and embrace it, no one else is going to love your love handles or skinny legs except you.

At the end of the day it comes down to self belief and being confident in who you are and you own abilities, society especially women are captured by the media and are receiving information that is not true.

As women we need to stand proud and be proud of who we are and where we come from, you are a beautiful being and no one can ever take that away from you. I am sure many of us have seen this before - an attractive guy dates a not so attractive girl and we ask ourselves, how did that happen?. At the end of the day a guy loves a confident women who is not insecure about her body and what uniquely makes her who she is, it is simply to much effort dating someone like that.

We are special and made in the eyes of God...Don't you think it is time that we started acting like it?
Be your own perfect women...


  1. Well done Donna! I really enjoyed reading this blog and you brought up so many good issues for us to think about. We know that we should love ourselves but sometimes we get carried away by what we see on television, in movies or on magazine covers. Thank you for reminding me that I am beautiful in my onw special way and that people should accept me for who I am and not what I wear or what I look like. MWAH!!!

  2. IM EVERY WOMAN... ITS ONLY MEEEEE... HAHA. Donna its the truth and I fully agree with Lynn.
