Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself

Indeed it is and what would you be achieving if you lied to yourself, only feeling good for a short while. This is a problem in so many people's lives because they do not face reality and what is really happening. Sometimes it is to painful to face the truth or you might feel like it could destroy you or the lives of others.

Lying sometimes seems like the best option in order to paint a picture of what you want others to see and think. But at the end of the day you end up more unhappy and insecure within yourself.

A start of a lie means that you would have to continue and this leads to a vicious cycle of lies. Even if it takes a decade - somehow a lie finds its way to the surface and the truth is revealed.

Do not lie to yourself as your whole life could become "one big lie". Face the music of your life including its daily issues and problems.

Step into the Truth as it is a poor idea to lie to yourself.


  1. It really is a vicious cycle to break but it is something that has to be done. If you can't be true to yourself then who will you be true to?

  2. We should not turn our lives into one big lie. Life is suppose to be lived to the fullest and how can be do this when we are not truthful about it.
