Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Surviving a break up

Many romantic relationships that start with joy, butterflies and excitement can also end in a painful break up. At some point or another most of us will experience the sorrow of a break up and feel the pain of a broken heart. But only time will heal and while dealing with things it is important to mourn the relationship and slowly work through the steps of mending your broken heart.

It is ok to be sad after a break up, as you are no longer with someone you deeply care for and moving forward without them. Your sadness only means that you enjoyed being with the person and miss them. Do not be afraid to cry, it is a healer and allows you to slowly release the sadness and hurt.

Figure out who are the people that will be supporting you through this hard time and reach out to them. It is important to talk to more than one person as your thoughts can drive you insane.

Remove reminders of the relationship but only when you are ready to do so, get a box and pack away pictures, gifts and reminders of the person and events relating to happy times with them. Now is probably a good time to remove that person as your wall paper and place their emails in another folder where they cannot be easily viewed. The point of packing away reminders is so that you may deal with what is happening in the present and deal with these reminders when you are in a better state of mind.

Remember that it is ok to be selfish and dealing with your own sorrow and dissapointment comes first before your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend.

Minimize your contact with your ex as the end result is to move on with your life, that is of cause if there is no chance of a reconciliation. You might be tempted to call but call a friend instead and tell them how you feel.

Socialize with single friends and go out and just have fun, friends in a relationship or married couples could be to much of a reminder and might make you feel depressed and sad instead of having fun.

Visit friends and family as you probably have not done that in a while, reconnect with them and spend time in a different environment, surrounded by different people.

Do not date immediately after a break up as you need to mourn the past relationship and move past the sorrow. The start of a new relationship while in this state of mind will only be a rebound relationship, is not wise and likely to be unsuccessful.

Finally, learn something from the relationship and think about what went wrong as well as your shortcomings and what you can do better in the future. It is important to learn from ones experiences as engaging in a romantic relationship is a huge emotional investment.

Break ups are really hard and painful but remember, you can overcome them.


  1. Those are are great pointers to handle a break up Dons, now I know exactly who I can come to for help.

  2. I saw a great deal of myself in the pointers you gave. I must be doing something right...
    You forgot to mention that everything happens for a reason even though it might not be evident now but in time the reason shall reveal itself.

  3. great inspiration. this is what many people need after a break-up. they feel their life has come to a halt. What they need to realize is, like Lynn mentioned, is that everything happens for a reason.
