Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses

Our strengths and our weaknesses are actually two sides of the same coin. If you look at them, you can see how they fit together and that our weaknesses are simply our strengths out of balance. All of us are born with certain characteristics and others develop over time as we grow older. These traits are not necessarily good or bad, it is what we do with them that make them good or not so good.

Take this for example you might be a creative person and enjoy creating new things but might also be messy and not put things back into there rightful places because you are to busy creating. It just goes to show that every strength has a weakness, they simply go hand in hand.

Every trait that you may have can become out of balance if used in the wrong way, most of us use our traits in different ways. Remember that you to portray your traits negatively at times but remember to reframe your positive and negative traits and turn your negative traits into positive ones. By doing this you are able to balance your life.

Remember your strengths and weaknesses are two sides of the same coin...


  1. Thats a interesting and great way of discussing the topic. You had me hooked from beginning to end. Great work must say!

  2. I like the example you gave. I agree that with every strength comes a weakness. It is up to the individual how they deal with this weakness.

  3. Great comparison. I like the positivity you bring out, we are able to turn our negative traits into positive traits if we put our mind to it.
