Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rushing to everywhere...

Where is everyone rushing to? I ask myself this question so many times especially as I make my way into Cape Town. Like this morning, I was peacefully driving when another driver drove past me in the left lane and rudely crossed over right infront of me. We also get the typical impatient driver who changes lanes continuously from the left to the middle to the right and back again, it just makes me so dizzy at 07:30 in the morning.Why do these people find a need to be so impatient in peak hour traffic where ideally one can only move at 30km/h.

I am sure that this rush and impatient bahaviour was the reason for the accident scene at Panarama today, all I felt was sympathy for that person as paramedics surrounding him/her as they would be going nowhere slowly from that very moment on.

Rushing to everywhere automatically means that we are speeding and creating even a bigger danger for ourselves and others around us. Really it is called setting your alarm, getting an early start and moving on time - But guess what the whole world is always late and take their frustrations out on the folk who are early.

I am sure that if we stick to the basics, we would not have to rush but people are simply lazy and do not have any respect for time. It is so not worth it to rush, it makes me wonder what our lives have become as we are always chasing our tales.

Take it easy and remember that rushing to everywhere is not worth it as it contributes to accidents and people being impolite.


  1. I agree I find myself in the same situations many a time. I find myself being fearful for other peoples disrespect for the road. It is a good point and an I agree that we should all be patient to reach our destinations. This is our best and safest option.

  2. I know a driving that continuously switches lanes... Want to guess who it is? It's TRAVISS! Yeah you can only drive as fast as the car infront of you. We all need to slow down and realise that there are other people's lives at stake.
    Life is way too short to be rushing around like headless chickens.

  3. I have the same experiences many times especially in the mornings. I hate it when they force their way into every gap. I am also sometimes late so they are not the only ones. I say rather drive correctly and be safe than sorry.
