Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is polygamy a feminist issue?

Yes. Polygamy is a feminist issue because men and women do not share equal rights. Women should be able to live freely chosen lives just as men do and this is not the case in a polygamist marriage. When women marry into a polygamist marriage they have a duty to bear children and raise them, they are therefore not provided with the opportunity to be career minded and be career women. Polygamy is degrading to women because they are not recognised as having human dignity. They are also at a financial disadvantage because they are dependent on the sole provider which is the man and are not given the opportunity to empower themselves. Women should be able to enter freely and leave freely within a marriage just as men.


  1. I could not have put this any better! I am glad you left out all fluffy trimmings and got straight to the point- women have rights too!

  2. Good post. I like that you got straight to the point. However, in modern polygamy marriages women are allowed to work only if they have someone to look after their children, which in most marriages don't take place.
