Thursday, February 11, 2010

Designer PR

When we think about "designer products" we think fresh, new, innovative, something that is different and has a style of it's own. Can you imagine a world where PR is no longer in the background and formed part of the Marketing and Advertising Departments? What if Public Relations led the way and created new and innovative communication strategies that would enable organisations to grow? Well PR your day has come and the future awaits.

Organisations need to realise that PR is a vital and powerful tool to keep their companies ahead in a competitive market place. Practitioners have to adapt a model of excellence and realise that the future for Public Relations could be huge if we adapt a greater understanding of our stakeholders, strategic public relations and communication management. A world filled with opportunities could be ahead for the field of Public Relations.


  1. Many people or even some companies don't realise how essential PR is. I think if they knew then the world of PR would grow tremendously.

    PR is not just about parties or social events like many percieve it to be. It is more about doing what is in the best interest for the company and creating a good image.

  2. This is a great representation of the brand of Public Relations and we need to keep trying to enhance our image.

  3. PRP's need to be constantly searching for new and innovative ideas to communicating and advertise. It is time that maketing and advertising take a back seat and let PR teach it a thing or two about social media.
